Monday, January 24, 2011

It's a new year

So before January ends I thought it would be productive to finally say out loud, via the computer, what my goals for this year.  And by doing so in front of people, essentially, I may set out to accomplish them.  That's the goal anyway.

  1. Complete my living room with two new chairs, art work and re-paint the front entry console/dresser piece. Yes, this is very much a priority for me!  It's been far too long the way it is.  There will be before & after pictures for you, don't worry.
  2. Be more creative!  I've bookmarked many, many DIY's & tutorials and now I must actually set out and conquer some of them.  Not all of course, but a handful would be a good way to get over this fearful hump I'm in.  Ok, so let's say 5 projects!  I'll keep you in the loop as to which ones I decide soon.
  3. Make la Ricki a success this year!  I see that happening in these ways:  meet with business consultant and do absolutely everything she tells me to, create portfolio, continue to grow relationships, maintain a creative presence at jam with stationary, tags & other paper goodies I sell there, and be amazingly persistent.
  4. Blog!  The goal is to post a new entry 1-2 times a week.  Of course included in this goal is to master blogspot as well.  I want it to to look pretty!
  5. Be of service.  This one I'm not sure as to where or how.  My time may be valuable but I know that I can give some of it in some way.  Also to make small (very small as of now) donations to some sort of organization; one that is local and one that is for or in a developing nation.  -if anyone has suggestions for Number 5 please feel free to tell me please!
  6. Say 'please' and 'thank you' to my son, husband and really anyone in my life.  How can I expect my son to learn politeness if I don't practice it all the time? 
Number 3 is really the priority of making everything else fall into place.  I'm not perfect and far from it.  I don't know everything but I do know some things.  What I do know is that I love being creative!  I didn't know that a few years ago.  For so long I was trying to fit myself into this perfect box, one that was way too left-brained and it wasn't working.  So here I am, in 2011, a mommy of an almost 2 year old, wife to an amazing husband and a girlfriend to so many beautiful girlies, working on a new business and learning to be more confident of my talents and beginning success.  This year is starting off well, I'm very excited for what it brings and for what I can offer as well.  

What are your goals this year?  Feel free to share!

ps-just a little pic of Ethan & I, this is what keeps me
going & inspired!

Baked Explorations

Have you all seen this fabulous desserts book?!  These two men, with sassy instructions and detailed guidance have taken some of the best classic desserts and brought them into the modern light.  I love it!  I do not claim to be a baker (at all) but these recipes are so inspiring. I'm ready to add these fine ingredients to my shopping "to-do" list: cocoa powder, bittersweet chocolate and vanilla bean paste.  I actually have some of the other ingredients they suggest, yes I'm already patting myself on the back.  I didn't realize this book was such a hit until I noticed many of the blogs I read daily have made posts about it and right now it's in the front window of Williams Sonoma. I was lucky enough to steal this book. Yes, steal!  My lovely friend Alissa hosts an annual gift exchange and one of our equally as lovely girlfriends always has the BEST swag.  So great are her freebies that I got a John Derian cake plate too!  Remember his cool stuff at Target this past summer?  You don't?!  Well clearly nobody at the gift exchange had either and the poor new girl at the party wound up with a not so cool re-gifted item.  I hope she doesn't remember me when the party rolls around again this year!

I will keep you posted on my baking adventure, I'm hoping something will appear for Valentine's Day to impress my handsome hubby.
